Business Listing on Visit Hampshire

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Please fill in the form below if you would like your business to be listed on the Visit Hampshire website.
Visit Hampshire will ONLY list businesses that:
  • People will travel from outside the county to
  • Are not exclusively aimed at a local audience

All business listings are uploaded to the Visit Hampshire website at the discretion of the team.

Tips for writing your Business Listing Description

- Your description should be 300-400 words long and written in 3rd person.

- Use Miscroft Word or a similar programme to write your description and paste it into the box below.

Make sure you tell us all about your tourism business' offering. 

If you are an attraction or activity tell us…

  • The most popular parts of your attraction or activity.
  • Any major annual events that you hold throughout the year (i.e Halloween and Christmas).
  • If there are any daily shows or displays visitors can enjoy.
  • What food offerings there are on site.
  • Highlight your target offer and who your attraction or activity is for.
  • Key times of the year to visit (i.e if you are a garden is there a certain time of the year that a certain plant is out).
  • Any awards you have won.
  • If you are an activity, what’s included/involved in the experience and any equipment.

If you are an accommodation provider tell us…

  • How many rooms/pitches/units you have.
  • Self-catering providers tell us how many people your property sleeps.
  • Do you have any onsite food and drink offerings? Is there a dedicated restaurant/bar? Any signature dishes or drinks? Information about your chef and any awards they may have won. 
  • What facilities do you offer in room/onsite or in your property?
  • Any notable events, attractions, walks or cycle routes nearby that guests will come and stay at you for.
  • Any awards you have won.
  • Any other experiences that you have onsite for guests?

If you are a food and drink experience tell us…

  • What is your food and drink offering? i.e Are you a restaurant, food stall, bar, experience, etc
  • Any signature dishes/menus/drink.
  • Any awards you have won
  • Do you use any special produce? Is it local or authentic?
  • Information about your chef and any awards they have won. 
  • What kind of menus do you offer? i.e Seasonal menu, tasting menu, early bird menu, etc
  • Any special events you put on throughout the year
  • Do you offer any tours or experiences?

Uploading an Image for your Listing

Please supply a high resolution (1mb+) landscape image of your business to Your listing will not go live without an image.

Adding your events to the Visit Hampshire Website

If you are looking to add an event to the Visit Hampshire website please use our online events form


Partner Listing Form

Fields marked with a * are mandatory. Only your business details will display on the Visit Hampshire website.

Everything a visitor needs to know about your business.

Include any dates/days your business is closed (Example: Christmas Day)

Business Category:
Select all that apply.

Your data will be stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Full policy information can be found here.